Synopsis: A supernatural gunslinger faces an old enemy.
Release Date: June 18, 2010 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Western, Horror
Film Review

Listless: Having or showing no interest. That about sums up the feeling a viewer has while watching “Jonah Hex”. The film quickly establishes the backstory of Jonah and why he now leads the life of a loner outlaw, showing a hint of promise that it will be an interesting ride; especially stylistically as it appears to begin a noir-western style. Then it all just results in nothing but a meek and mild story of a man bent on vengeance with a soft spot for a prostitute and the ability to talk to the dead. Some of the most entertaining points in the film, and well written also, occur between Jonah and dead men. There is just no edginess to Jonah. Josh Brolin gives all he can and the fact that he manages to speak clearly with the prosthetic make-up on his face for the contorted cheek/mouth of Jonah is commendable in itself. But all is forgettable. Even the action sequences are a complete let down. As for the deaths, all implied. If you expect to see some great killings and fancy violent acts look elsewhere. The film conveniently cuts away every time; characters still die you just do not see it. If this choice was made to get the PG 13 rating then what a complete shame to have to cheapen a film for sake of the teenage market. If it was intentional to adhere from showing violence on screen then, wow, the filmmakers really should have re-thought that one. “Jonah Hex” never hits its stride with the viewer. To say it is terrible is too harsh, but to say it is worth watching is a far cry from the truth. I equate it to background television. It may be on, and you might pay attention every few minutes or so when something grabs your attention, but by the next morning when your co-worker asks, “What did you watch last night”, your response will be, “I do not remember”. That is “Jonah Hex”.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Jimmy Hayward
- Producer(s): NeveldineTaylor
- Screenwriter(s): Josh Brolin (Jonah Hex)Megan Fox (Leila)John Malkovich (Tumball)
- Story:
- Cast: Kent BeydaFernando VillenaMitchell AmundsenTom Meyer
- Editor(s):
- Cinematographer: Marco Beltrami
- Production Designer(s): Proof
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s):
- Music Score: Rodeo FX
- Music Performed By:
- Country Of Origin: USA