As Year One follows Zed and Oh on their adventure it inevitably becomes clear this is a movie that is all about poking fun at the biblical and historical stories we have heard our whole lives.
Film Review: ‘Land Of The Lost’
So much for a comedy-adventure movie that is fun and entertaining. Land of the Lost is quite boring and lacking in the comedy but heavy on the violence. It relies almost completely on the star persona of Will Ferrell to carry it along but with a script that gives him little, if anything to work with, the viewer is left with barely anything to take from the movie except regret.
The ‘Star Trek’ Reboot Succeeds With Action, Comedy, And Familiar Characters
As a prequel and reboot to the former Star Trek films and the Television series, Star Trek (2009) is anything but a strictly fan-focused endeavor.
Film Review: ‘Battle For Terra’
As the opening credits begin in Battle for Terra, you are bombarded with magnificent computer-generated animation. The bright colors of space exude off the screen while shadows and light are played with continuously.
Film Review: ‘Race To Witch Mountain’
Race to Witch Mountain is slow to get started and loses even more steam as it moves along.