The infamous French Gangster Jacques Mesrine’s life is chronicled in a two-part film that attempts to show the man behind the media sensation that he became as French Public Enemy No. 1. Part One, aptly titled Killer Instinct, begins with Mesrine’s return from Algeria in 1959 to France. It chronicles his rise to a life […]
Film Rave: Animal Kingdom
The opening credits are accompanied by still photographs of a bank robbery. The music melancholy and foreboding. The final title frame is a portrait of the animal kingdom. The lion standing tall amongst the other animals. The films title hovers for a moment over the portrait and we immediately realize this is a film about […]
LAFF Film Review: ‘The Two Escobars’ Will Hook You Immediately
The Two Escobars is not your average deal-with-the-devil narrative and it will get its hooks in you and not let you escape.
Splice Up Your Summer
Splice has already been reviewed on FilmFracture, so I won’t re-hash a plot synopsis here. What I am here for is to delve into the nitty-gritty of the craziest, wildest, and yes, best picture of the summer. Director Vincenzo Natali’s modestly-budgeted picture, released by Warner Bros., has grossed a modest $10 million in a week […]
Color as Language In Broken Embraces
I walked out of the theater after Pedro Almodovar’s Broken Embraces and my eyes refused to adjust back from the brilliant and colorful world of the film; the real world paled in comparison. Even as I shut them now, the vibrant reds, moody blues, and roaring yellows still swim against my eyelids. Almodovar does not […]