Synopsis: In Hotel For Dogs, a pair of siblings, with a little help from their friends, turn an abandoned hotel into a home for stray dogs in the city.
Release Date: January 16, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Children and Family, Comedy
Film Review
With a highly imaginative story that stems from the creativity and skill of the kids and teens, Hotel For Dogs is both entertaining and heartwarming. It may center on giving forgotten dogs a home but essentially is about building a family and establishing roots where it seemed impossible.
Special Effects
Although the effects in Hotel For Dogs are not computer generated they are full of skill and craftsmanship. The entire hotel for the dogs is filled with inventions that cater to a dog’s lifestyle. From the self-cleaning fire hydrant urinal to a ride simulation of traveling in a car on the open road every creation in the film is phenomenally imagined. They may be crude to look at but that fact is disregarded because they are created with love, and essentially with materials from the garbage.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Thor Freudenthal
- Producer(s)/Screenwriters: Jeff Lowell, Bob Schooley, Mark McCorkle
- Cast: Emma Roberts (Andi), Jake T. Austin (Bruce), Don Cheadle (Bernie), Johnny Simmons (Dave), Kyla Pratt (Heather)
- Other Crew: Sheldon Kahn, Michael Grady, William Sandell, John Debney Animal Makers
- Country Of Origin: USA