Synopsis: A man seeks revenge for his brother’s death during the Irish civil war.
Release Date: August 21, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Drama, Action
Film Review

Here we have a story full of both revenge and redemption, focusing on two peoples complicated past and the one moment which brought them together. By showing the past through flashbacks through the minds of the two main characters you are given a window into the world they lived in, and the different world they inhabit now. As the story unfolds it only draws you further into their mindsets and the difficult choices they have to make in order to forgive, not only one another but themselves.

The entire film falls on the character development of the two main characters, Alistair (Neeson) and Joe (Nesbitt). They are polar opposites in their demeanor. One a bundle of nerves and emotions, the other calm, collective and seemingly full of no remorse. It is this intricate balance of two distinctly different personalities that gives the film a rich texture and draws the viewer in while foregoing all expectations or assumptions you may have as to where the story will lead. Screenwriter Guy Hibbert has created a story deeply rooted with emotion both seen and unseen with dialogue that is always poignant. Coupled with two wonderfully moving performances by Neeson and Nesbitt it offers a look into the human psyche, and the power of forgiveness.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Oliver Hirschbiegel
- Producer(s): Guy HibbertLiam Neeson (Alistair Little)
- Screenwriter(s): James Nesbitt (Joe Griffen)Anamaria Marinca (Vika)
- Story:
- Cast: Hans FunckRuairi O’BrienMark Lowry
- Editor(s): Maggie Donnelly
- Cinematographer:
- Production Designer(s):
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s):
- Music Score:
- Music Performed By:
- Country Of Origin: UK