Synopsis: A New York couple is put into the witness protection program in Wyoming.
Release Date: December 18, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Comedy, Romance
Film Review

Take an estranged couple from the big city and place them in a small town together without any outside communication. Sounds like a recipe for a great romantic comedy. Think again. The movie spends a great deal of time poking fun at small town life and belittling the people who live in Ray, Wyoming so it forgets to actually develop a romantic comedy. Sure they throw in a couple of funny scenes between the couple, Meryl and Paul, but they are short and not so sweet. Meryl continually comes across as a bitter, miserable New Yorker who is more excited over a ten dollar sweater than getting to know her husband again. Paul is but a bumbling idiot for the greater duration, trying everything in his power to win Meryl back and only looking pathetic in the process. Do yourself a favor and watch a tried and true romantic comedy you have seen before. Time would be better spent in repeat then a first look at this pile of worthlessness.

When you put two likable actors together on screen it does not mean you are going to like them together. This movie proves that notion. Sarah Jessica Parker (Meryl) and Hugh Grant (Paul) may as well be siblings because there is no heat or semblance of romantic feelings going on between the two of them. Granted they are meant to be an estranged couple, separated for a few months due to a moment of infidelity, but they still should have that certain something which makes us want to root for their reconciliation. Given what they do give you spend the entire film agreeing with the fact that they are apart and figuring it is best they stay that way.

Comedy Factor
If it were not for Hugh Grant and some perfectly delivered one-liners the movie would not even fall into the comedy genre. This is what happens I suppose when you place all your cards on making fun of small town people and their way of life as opposed to something that is and can be funny – relationships.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Marc Lawrence
- Producer(s): Marc LawrenceHugh Grant (Paul)
- Screenwriter(s): Sarah Jessica Parker (Meryl)Sam Elliott (Clay Wheeler)Mary Steenburgen (Emma Wheeler)
- Story:
- Cast: Susan E. MorseFlorian BallhausKevin Thompson
- Editor(s):
- Cinematographer: Theodore ShapiroBrainstorm Digital
- Production Designer(s):
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s):
- Music Score:
- Music Performed By:
- Country Of Origin: USA